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Step 1 | Consultation

I like to start the consultation with a phone conversation. It's a great way to get to know each other and for us to ask and answer questions. 

The second part of the consultation, is an in person visit to your home. This gives me an opportunity to visiualize the space and draw my inspiration for your project. 

I never limit the time for consultations, on the phone or in person, it's just too important! I only set up a day and time for the beginning of an appointment, never for the end. (wink)

3D Floor Plan

Step 2 | Plan + Ideate

This is the biggest part of the project....planning out the design. It will take you, me and our team (my team is your team), working together to discover the best overall design possible. We will meet with the general contractor and possibly sub-contractors, to go over the structure and see what is attainable. Then I will be able to start on a floor plan, which we will more than likely make many revisions to! Once we have all agreed on the revisions, we will move on to the build!! PS: this is one of my actual floor plans done for a client.


Step 3 | Build

This is the fun part!!! 

However, be prepared for stress. It seems almost impossible for a build to go without some issues, it's just part of the process. So, expect the unexpected, have patience and know that it WILL all work out! We are in this together and everyone has the same see a beautiful ending to the project!

Questions? Reach Out to Us

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I agree that Hauslein Home Design can email and call me in response to my inquiry, as well as with tips and offers for similar services.